The main channel of my music, beginning in 2024 with "Flowergrade".

Bandcamp The best place to find all my music and financially support this project. Follow to be in-the-know when any music comes out.

SoundCloud Slightly different selection of music here - generally, this will house any demos or throwaway experiments.

E-mail This is my preferred channel of direct messaging - I respond here first. E-mail me for whatever, doesn't have to be so professional.

Twitter *coming soon*

Instagram I'll occasionally have visual art posted + the main announcements here.


My music released from 2020-2023. Retired in the advent of Garden Busker.

Bandcamp The best place to find all my music and financially support this project.

SoundCloud Very different selection of music here - I post experiments and demos here.

YouTube Some of my songs have videos to accompany them.

Spotify All the mainline releases available to stream free.

Apple Music All the mainline releases available to stream free.

Open House

Open House (f.k.a. NJOM, 2021-2023) is the record imprint run by my friend Noah and I. Usually where I release music.

Bandcamp Find all the music here + support the artists through buying our work.

Wyatt r.w.

My personal pages on the internet.

E-mail This is my preferred channel of direct messaging - I respond here first. E-mail me for whatever, doesn't have to be so professional.

Twitter My personal Twitter page - loads of TriMet & local tweeting. Sometimes art.

Instagram My personal Instagram if you wanna see how awesome I look. Check out my music taste here.

Letterboxd My body is a MACHINE that turns 10/10 MOVIES into UNFUNNY ONE-LINER REVIEWS.

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